Essay, Research Paper: Of Mice And Men By Steinbeck

Literature: Grapes of Wrath

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Characterization is the technique a writer uses to create and reveal the
personalities and qualities of the characters in a written work. A writer may
describe a character's physical appearance and situation. He may also attempt to
reveal a character's thoughts, or show the reactions of other characters. A
writer may be very descriptive or be lacking in his description of the
character. George Milton is illustrated by being a rational, caring and
trustworthy person whose static characterization throughout the novel greatly
affects the outcome of the selection in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.
George Milton verifies the rational, concerning, and trustworthy attributes of
his personality through his devotion to Lennie Small in the novel by John
Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men. Milton's rationality and concern for Lennie urges
him to compel Lennie to remove the aged mouse from his pocket only because he
knows that it is not healthy for him to be carrying it around. Lennie is upset
at this so Milton tells him that as soon as it is possible, he would get him a
puppy. Later in the story, Milton's trustworthiness is confirmed when he
actually does get Lennie a puppy. In the novel "Of Mice and Men" by
John Steinbeck, George Milton is a static character throughout the novel. From
the beginning, George demonstrates his dedication to Lennie through his elusive
capability to stay with him. George knows that he would be able to have a more
worthwhile life if he did not drive himself to stay with Lennie. He constantly
thinks of how it would be if he didn't have to this. Lennie's undesired
stupidity leads to his death after George realizes that Lennie will never be
forgiven for the accidental crime he has committed. George allows Lennie to die
thinking of the rabbits they were to have on their farm for which Lennie has
admiration. George cared too much about Lennie to allow him to be killed for
something he didn't do purposely. George kills Lennie because he knows that the
others are looking for him and when they find him they are going to do it unless
he does it himself. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George
Milton is illustrated by being a rational, caring and trustworthy person whose
static characterization throughout the novel greatly affects the outcome of the
selection. George has proven to be a static character whose commitment to Lennie
allows the reader to discover his eminent personality. George remains a
rational, caring, and trustworthy individual throughout the novel. Toward the
end of the novel, George determines that his friend is never going to have a
normal life and he kills him to put him out of his misery. John Ernst Steinbeck
was born on February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. He was enrolled in
Stanford University for several years but left without a degree. He worked as
laborer to support himself while he wrote. His first few books were financial
failures until the publication of "Tortilla Flat" in 1935 from which
he received public recognition. He followed this success with "In Dubious
Battle" (1936), Of Mice and Men" (1937), and "The Grapes of
Wrath" (1939). "The Grapes of Wrath" earned Steinbeck a Pulitzer
Prize. Both "Of Mice and Men" and "Grapes of Wrath" were
made into motion pictures. Some of his later works include "Cannery
Row" (1945), "The Pearl" (1947), "East of Eden" (1952),
"The Winter of Our Discontent" (1961), and "Travels with
Charley"(1962). Steinbeck died on December 20, 1968 in New York City.
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